Friday, October 13, 2006

Tonight, my writings could be titled "Vain Ramblings of a Woman. Maybe not vain, but ramblings nonetheless. Everyday we are faced with decisions that determine our course in life......the canvas we paint, the movie we create. I want to create an epic motion picture. One that is vibrant, compelling, and tells a story of struggle and triumph. I often hate the struggle, but I'm aware that the struggle must exist for the triumph to occur and rather still, for the triumph to be sweet and savory. I love spice in life and I desire that everyday be approached with asking God, "What do I paint this morning........How will this film end today? A catalyst is a person (my ONE) or thing that precipitates an event or change. Recently, I've experienced a catalyst of sorts. A catalyst of recognizing and realizing the state of my soul. That discontent has forced me to reexamine my motion picture. What kind of legacy do I want to leave? What kind of impact will I make? Who will people say I am? For me to even begin to answer these questions, I need to ask myself if I truly know the Lover of my soul? The One that will never leave me. The One that desires to invade my dark areas, shed His light and bring forth healing. May I not remove myself from the altar or the operating table so He may have His perfect work in me. Only then, can my epic motion picture tell the true story. Okay, it's midnight and my eyes are sleepy. Enough soul searching for one day.

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