Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Okay this is my first endeavor to participate in blogging. I have virtually no idea how this works, or if there is some form I should follow, but I have a deep appreciation for the written word and I was a voracious reader (pre-kids that is) so I'm hoping my ramblings have a destination!! The Milkman, encouraged me to spread my wings and share my heart on paper. With that I sit before my keyboard thoughts racing through my head maddeningly. What shall I blog? Does it matter to others or only to me? Will someone read my blog and think, what the heck is this chick doing?!! Those are my random musings as I also contemplate what to make for dinnner! I am a mother of 2 wonderful children, amazingly brillant and profound (what every mom thinks!) and at other times exasperating! You know, these little ones should really come with a set of instruction manuals. Marriage is an intricate maze in which you never quite find your way out of and then children arrive to complicate the puzzle! Don't get me wrong, I would choose no other road. They have brought me immense joy and have also made me long to be Wonder Woman so I could call on my invisible plane to fly me to Hawaii! Well, I think I'm finished for my first post...........not headline news, but oh well!

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